Contact Us
ODR phone number is: 1-844-330-6176 or 225-219-2188
Fax 225-219-3087
Fax 225-219-3087
You may email us at
[email protected]
Contact us with General Questions
Email is not a secure environment, so never send confidential information (i.e. Social Security numbers, tax account numbers) through Email. To protect your privacy, we will not send sensitive or confidential information to anyone by means of Email.
Mailing Address
Office of Debt Recovery
P.O. Box 3317
Baton Rouge, LA 70821 Physical Address to make payments only. Information regarding accounts are best handled through phone or email. Baton Rouge
617 North Third Street
Baton Rouge, La 70802 New Orleans (Inside Benson Towers) (No cash accepted)
1450 Poydras St.
Suite 800
New Orleans, La 70112 Alexandria (No cash accepted)
900 Murray Street
Suite F-100
Alexandria, LA Lafayette (Inside WLF building) (No cash accepted)
200 Dulles Drive
Suite 1060
Lafayette, LA 70506
P.O. Box 3317
Baton Rouge, LA 70821 Physical Address to make payments only. Information regarding accounts are best handled through phone or email. Baton Rouge
617 North Third Street
Baton Rouge, La 70802 New Orleans (Inside Benson Towers) (No cash accepted)
1450 Poydras St.
Suite 800
New Orleans, La 70112 Alexandria (No cash accepted)
900 Murray Street
Suite F-100
Alexandria, LA Lafayette (Inside WLF building) (No cash accepted)
200 Dulles Drive
Suite 1060
Lafayette, LA 70506